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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photo by Annie Means

Students lose jobs in wake of coronavirus pandemic

Rosa Woolsey, News Reporter April 9, 2020

Whitman’s decision to move to an online distance-learning system due to the coronavirus outbreak has left some student employees out of work and financially insecure. Director of Human Resources Telara...

Shorter Work Week Would Mitigate Employment Woes

Daniel Merritt February 14, 2013
If we believe that everyone has a right to work and a right to education we need to create a job marketplace that gives people the chance to apply their degrees to a job that fits their skills. We need to channel the values of past labor leaders and fight for a basic right to work, sustainable living wages and a shorter work week and work day so more people can enjoy a fulfilling job that makes use of their skills and education.

Numbers in the news

Shelly Le October 20, 2011
Numbers in the news is a weekly feature highlighting numbers and statistics of interest to college students.

American Jobs Act insufficient; more assistance urgent

Daniel Merritt September 22, 2011

Employment has lagged behind economic recovery. We need jobs and we need them now. President Obama's recent push in Washington has been for a piece of legislation known as the American Jobs Act, a piece...

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