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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

The repercussions of a Timely Warning

The repercussions of a Timely Warning

Rosa Woolsey, Staff Reporter March 3, 2020

On Feb. 15, members of the Whitman community received a Timely Warning from the Director of Security Marvin Viney, which described the “Hate Crime/Bias Incidents on Campus.” Seven hours after the initial...

Timely Warning Email Leaves Unanswered Questions

Sarah Cornett February 27, 2014

Students, faculty and staff were sent a timely warning email from Dean of Students Chuck Cleveland last Friday stating that Eddie Mathews, a custodian employed by the college, had activated "trespassed"...

Caution Urged in Light of Recent Bike Thefts

Dylan Tull October 31, 2013
Five bike thefts have been reported on Whitman's campus this past week. Smart locking and bike insurance can guarantee this won't happen to you.
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