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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photo contributed by George Jutras.

Environmental groups sue federal government over Snake River dams plan

Grace Jackson, Staff Reporter November 5, 2020

In a recent intention to sue letter, eleven environmental groups outlined what they say is the federal government’s illegal behavior in regards to dams on the Snake River in Washington State. The letter,...

Why Are You Green: Whitman Community Reflects on Environmentalism

Why Are You Green: Whitman Community Reflects on Environmentalism

Anna Zheng April 1, 2014
It's no question that many people at Whitman are environmentally conscious of their environment and how much waste they generate. However, the question is why? The Pioneer takes a moment to ask Whitman community members to reflect on how environmentalism touches their lives.
A hawk soars over Walla Walla.

Birds Receive Protection, Face Mammalian Threats

Hannah Bartman February 7, 2013
Walla Walla’s populated mix of progressive college students, farmers and small town families is also home to a group of unacknowledged individuals: birds.
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