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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Dear Future POC Student

Cherokee Washington, Staff Reporter May 12, 2017

Dear future students of color, Welcome to your new home. As the brochures say, there are countless reasons to attend Whitman. Renowned arts and academics, a surprisingly charming location ... the list...

Illustration by Julie Peterson

Whitman and Mainstream Hip-Hop: Gender Battlegrounds

Matt Raymond March 21, 2013
Hip Hop came from humble roots, but over its 30 year evolution, sexism has become a greater part of the music in the genre's mainstream.

Senior profiles

Alyssa Fairbanks May 9, 2012

Rarely do Whitman students get the chance to hear about the innovative projects and newsworthy accomplishments of classmates beyond their immediate friend group. The Pioneer sat down with several graduating...

Credit: cade beck

Interview with Professor David Schmitz

Alyssa Fairbanks May 9, 2012

The labels that have been assigned to current college-aged youth are endless, from the multitaskers and echo boomers, to the "Yes-We-Can" generation. The Pioneer sat down with Professor David Schmitz,...

Class of 2012 Senior Survey

Patricia Vanderbilt May 9, 2012
The class of 2012 will don their robes and cross the commencement stage on Sunday May 20, 2012.
Radio waves carry signal of hope for incarcerated listeners

Radio waves carry signal of hope for incarcerated listeners

caitlinhardee May 9, 2012

Ensconced behind the soundboard in the cozy KWCW studio, it's easy for a college DJ to imagine that nobody is actually listening. Few Whitties own radio sets, and while friends and family might be...

Credit: cade beck

The practical side of academia: Searching for ‘real world’ experience in a liberal arts education

Cara Lowry May 9, 2012

Few of us come to a small liberal arts college in rural Washington with a set career path in mind and seeking vocational training. We come here for what Whitman sells (and what it delivers). We learn...

Letter from the Production Manager

Ted Hendershot May 9, 2012

For the seniors of the Pioneer, this is a parting of the ways. By the time this copy of The Circuit crosses the newsstands, we'll have already toasted our last issue of the paper. For myself, Editor-in-Chief...

Goodbye letter from the Editor-in-Chief

Patricia Vanderbilt May 3, 2012
In her last issue of the Pioneer, Editor-in-Chief Patricia Vanderbilt recognizes those who have made this paper the best it has been in many years.
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