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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

What’s in a Name?

Keathley Pinney Brown, Feature Editor September 21, 2023

  After a few moments of relaxed banter, all of my interviews start the same way: "Thanks so much for offering to chat with me about this topic. To kick things off, how would you like to...

KWCW Show of the Week

Megan Hearst, Staff Writer September 24, 2015

It’s been just a few days since the Pio Hour’s last broadcast, and already sophomores Andrew Schwartz and Anna Middleton are gearing up for next week’s bimonthly release. As the show’s editors,...

Faint: An Introduction

Benjamin Shoemake September 14, 2015

Stories matter. This is hardly a controversial statement. Here at Whitman College, media organizations like The Pioneer and "quarterlife," among others, are founded upon the idea that stories and journalism...

Tommy's Dutch Lunch: Never Leave Hungry

Tommy’s Dutch Lunch: Never Leave Hungry

Aleida Fernandez December 9, 2013
When I first walk into Tommy's Dutch Lunch, a small greasy spoon down W. Pine St., it's immediately obvious that the restaurant is a place full of stories. The decor is straight out of the 1970s and the walls are littered with paintings and a Union Bulletin profile from a few years ago. It's also immediately obvious that Tommy's — as it's affectionately called — is a place full of love.
Image courtesy of Farrar, Straus and Giroux Publishers

“Roald Dahl’s Book of Ghost Stories”

Dana Thompson July 1, 2012
Don’t you love it when books just appear on your shelves? I have lately been in the mood for something a little creepy and wouldn’t you know it, a collection of ghost stories hand-selected by one of my favorite authors of all time materializes in our reading room. It was so serendipitous as to be…almost creepy…
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