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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photo by Mika Nobles

Ebony Stewart brings poems and lessons to Whitman

Megan Hearst, Staff Writer February 4, 2016

The Reid Coffeehouse was abuzz with activity on the evening of Jan. 30 as students awaited the arrival of Texas poet and educator Ebony Stewart as well as resident Whitman slam poets, Almighty Ink.  While...

Andrea Gibson speaks their mind

Emma Cooper December 10, 2015

Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder and squished into any available seat, Whitman students gathered to listen to poet Andrea Gibson share their provoking and emotional poems. In Reid Coffeehouse Basement on...

Sister Outsider inspires at coffeehouse

Sister Outsider inspires at coffeehouse

Natalie Berg December 6, 2014

This evening, on Friday, Dec. 5th, slam poetry duo Sister Outsider performed at the FACE Equality Coffeehouse in Reid Basement. This event marked the sixth annual coffeehouse put on by FACE, or Feminists...

Creative Voices of Whitman

Sarah Cornett May 13, 2013
Creative writers at Whitman discuss their creative processes and their varied styles of expression.
Illustration by Marlee Raible

Students to Teach Creative Writing at the Washington State Penitentiary

Dylan Tull April 11, 2013
A group of 15 students will begin teaching creative writing at the Washington State Penitentiary in a few weeks. They hope to increase dialogue between inmates and community members by publishing a literary journal of the inmates' work.
Photos by Tanner Bowersox.

Hip-hop drives individuals, fuels campus music culture

Kaili Masamoto September 27, 2012
While it may sound surprising, there is, in fact, a growing influence of hip-hop and rap music within our community. Sophomore Sayda Morales and juniors Cam Young and Kyle Moyes share their personal connections to these genres and illuminate the surprising relevance of hip-hop and rap to everyone's lives.
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