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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Madeleine Stolp.

Subverting sexpectations

Zoe Schacter-Brodie, Feature Editor April 21, 2022

Note: All of the names used in this article are pseudonyms. “You’d like to stay anonymous, right?” I’m perched on the edge of Rachel Sommer’s desk, tucked into the inner room of a divided...

“Pleasure, Desire and Arousal” workshop aims to de-stigmatize conversations about sex

Renny Acheson, A&E Editor March 4, 2021

When Whitman Delta Gamma alumna Haley Ireland responded last fall to an Instagram post on the sorority’s Instagram page gauging interest for a women’s health event, she was met with overwhelming excitement.  Ireland,...

Sex Dreams Offer Insight Into Our Repressed Sexual Desires

Maggie Mae Lemaris February 21, 2013
Allow yourself the time when you wake up in the morning after a dream of passion to contemplate the boundaries of your own sexual desires, because we all may be a little freakier than we allow ourselves to think. And that possibility is just too damn interesting to ignore.

Naturalistic Fallacy a Danger in Sex Talk

Spencer Wharton October 31, 2012
From the alarm clocks that wake us in the morning to the beds we fall asleep on at night, our daily lives are filled with unnatural things that we hardly bat an eye at. Why then do we moralize certain activities as 'natural'?

Neither party stellar on sex ed

Spencer Wharton October 25, 2012
Both the Republican and Democratic parties' platforms address sex education, but even the Democrats' stance falls short. Voting for Obama's “evidence-based and age-appropriate sex education” is a step in the right direction, but we ought to demand so much more.

Sexcetera: Open discussion makes sex more satisfying

Spencer Wharton September 13, 2012
Despite being generally critical about the world, many Whitties are uncomfortable talking openly about sex. This taboo leaves us less fulfilled by our sexual experiences, shields us from the variety of sexual experiences, and at worst contributes to a culture which permits sexual assault.
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