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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

The greenhouse open house, which occurred on Feb. 7, was curated by biology students and professors with the intent to display the educational importance of the greenhouse. Photos by Amara Garibyan

Greenhouse opens house

Abby Malzewski, Staff Reporter February 13, 2020

On Friday, Feb. 7, the greenhouse located off the Hall of Science building opened its doors to the public, giving visitors the opportunity to take tours of the plant-filled space.  Two students working...

A Major Choice: Whitman's Diverse Academics

A Major Choice: Whitman’s Diverse Academics

Lachlan Johnson August 29, 2013
Whether it be through a weighty Organic Chemistry textbook, an examination of Southeast Asian sex trafficking, or a postmodern novel exploring the human condition, every major offers a compelling path to greater knowledge and a liberal arts education. The most exciting part, and also the trickiest, is deciding which subject you love the most.
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