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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

“The Martian” Soars

Eric Anderson, A&E Writer October 22, 2015
Ridley Scott's science-fiction survival story has heart, hope and humor enough to satisfy all.

Entire Summer Movie Season Recap

Nathan Fisher August 23, 2012

MMMMOOOVIES were my great escape from working a zillion hours at two minimum-wage jobs lifeguarding and scooping balls at the golf-driving rang. Thankfully, this summer was filled with great flicks. Here's...

‘The Grey’ sacrifices wolves on altar of blockbuster profits

caitlinhardee February 23, 2012
It's a scenario out of the worst, buried nightmares of humanity. Recent blockbuster 'The Grey' depicts an oil drilling team stranded in Alaska after a plane crash, who are stalked by a malicious pack of wolves. There's one problem with this thrilling scenario—it's utterly absurd.
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