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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Students have demonstrated frustration with the current system for registration. Photo by Marra Clay.

Registrar’s office seeks to improve pre-registration

Sam Jacobson November 13, 2014

For students at Whitman, registration often means navigating the tricky business of choosing between classes, attempting to gain consent from professors and in some cases coping with less than ideal registration...

Change to waitlisting system meant to improve pre-registration process

Karah Kemmerly April 14, 2011
A new waitlist system will make pre-registration a little smoother this year if all goes according to plan. The registrar's office and technology services have been working together for 9 months to make improvements so that students can more easily get the classes they want.

Registration difficulties overwhelm students

Molly Smith November 18, 2010
First-year Jamie Edison can capture his spring pre-registration experience in a single word: stressful. Not only were two of his first-choice classes closed by the time his registration opened, so were his second-choice options. In order to take the minimum 12-credit course load, Edison had to sign up for a class that he had no plan nor desire in taking. Despite this seemingly bleak registration experience, Edison considers himself lucky compared to the majority of first-year students who faced the brunt of an incredibly difficult pre-registration season.

College switches back to 18-credit pre-reigstration cap

Karah Kemmerly November 4, 2010
After observing the effects of a 16-unit preregistration cap on students last semester, the registrar has gone back to an 18-unit plus activity credits cap for pre-registration for this spring. Both ASWC and the Registrar believe that this change back will benefit students.
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