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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Washington State Considers Carbon Tax

Elizabeth Friedman September 29, 2016

The Campus Climate Coalition (CCC) is trying to drum up support in favor of initiative i732, a bill that will create a state-wide carbon tax. The carbon tax is a revenue neutral approach to a carbon price....

Microsoft donates to expand computer science program

Microsoft donates to expand computer science program

Nolan Bishop October 16, 2014

Illustration by Eddy Vazquez. Whitman College, in their efforts to establish a more substantial and competitive computer science program, recently solicited a significant contribution from the Microsoft...

Multiplayer must be carefully considered to avoid making bad shooters

Multiplayer must be carefully considered to avoid making bad shooters

Blair Hanley Frank November 8, 2012
Gaming markets are oversaturated with a glut of military shooters packing lousy multiplayer modes. Every time the story is the same: new shooter, new multiplayer, mediocre reviews. But it keeps happening over and over again. It's time for that to stop.

Whitman must do more to offer pre-professional opportunities

Alex Brott April 12, 2012
Whitman as an institution seems to overlook student interest in substantive, pre-professional experiences. Considering the ample ways to provide such opportunities, the college owes it to these interested students to provide adequate resources.

Apple’s Strategy Holds Future for Operating Systems

Blair Hanley Frank March 1, 2012
the operating system market is going to see a huge business model upheaval over the next couple of years. That means our current model for what we expect in terms of new operating systems will need to change.
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