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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

A canal in Venice.

The Importance of Traveling with Like-Minded People

Aleida Fernandez February 10, 2014

My week-long trip to Italy started out as a disaster. Not only was our train to Florence canceled two times due to snow, but our first encounter with staff from the Austrian train company, Ã–BB, left...

Meat's Contribution to Climate Change

Meat’s Contribution to Climate Change

Dani Hupper October 17, 2013
According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the meat industry emits more greenhouse gases than the whole transportation sector combined. That’s right, all fossil fuels burned by cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats and planes emit fewer greenhouse gases than raising animals for food. 18 percent of our emissions are attributed to meat production, while only 13 percent are attributed to transportation. Emptying your wallet for a new hybrid may have less of an impact on the earth’s atmosphere than altering your diet.

Sustainable Walla Walla Makes Plans for Earth Day, Future Collaborations

Emily Lin-Jones February 7, 2013
Students, city council members and representatives from around the community gathered for a meeting of local working group Sustainable Walla Walla in the Walla Walla Public School District board room Tuesday night, Feb. 5.

Aquaponics best means to increase local food

Danielle Broida December 6, 2012
Although Bon Appétit has pledged to buy 20% of its food locally, much of what is grown in Walla Walla does not meet their local standards. An aquaponics program would be a meaningful way to increase truly sustainable local food production while harnessing student creativity.
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