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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Coping with an injury as a varsity athlete

Tate Cadang, Staff Reporter March 5, 2020

Athletes here at Whitman College frequently sustain injuries. Regardless of severity, athletes continue to get both physically and mentally in shape during their treatments to prepare for their next season. Strengthening...

The Long Road to Recovery: Injuries in Athletics

The Long Road to Recovery: Injuries in Athletics

Cherokee Washington, Sport’s Reporter October 13, 2016

“Imagine working your whole life at your craft.Imagine winning [a] state [title], [a] championship, or maybe even experiencing that high [you feel] when you beat a rival team. Now, imagine not being...

Photo contributed by Sam Perkins '17.

Sports injuries: What happens next?

Kyle Flannery February 26, 2015

Most varsity athletes here at Whitman have spent the majority of their lives honing their skills in one particular sport, a feat that requires a tremendous amount of dedication and passion. Except for...

Flag football femme fatale

Dana Thompson October 13, 2011
A first-person take on flag football. Way better than that real one that was in the Sports section this week.
Credit: Carrie Sloane

Athletes feel pressure to play through injuries

Tyler Hurlburt February 3, 2011
Some athletes at Whitman feel pressured to train and play through injuries, risking greater injury to themselves.
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