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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Back to School, Back to Movies: Fall Movie Preview

Back to School, Back to Movies: Fall Movie Preview

Nathan Fisher September 11, 2014
Whether you are stressing out over papers or exams, worrying about life after college, or maybe you just need to get away from campus, here is my crash course list of the big fall movies that have potential to be a worthy substitute to alcohol and parties.
'Don Jon' Reveals More Than Just Naked Bodies

‘Don Jon’ Reveals More Than Just Naked Bodies

Nathan Fisher October 3, 2013
At first glance, "Don Jon" looks like just your average movie about a porn-addicted Joisey boy. Take a deeper look however and it reveals more about the human spirit than just a plethora of naked and writhing bodies.
Illustration by Erika Zinser

Lazy writing leads to forgettable ‘Words’

Nathan Fisher September 13, 2012

After a long week with, go figure, lots of homework, I welcomed the escape to my "job" at the movies. Like last week, none of the options grabbed me, so I succumbed to seeing "The Words," a story-within-a-story,...

Credit: Olivia Johnson

Board game-based movies reveal business side of art

William Witwer April 21, 2011
From board games to comic books, a plethora of high-grossing films turn to artistic mediums known more for their merchandising capabilities than their artistic originality.
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