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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Me, Jiejie and her baby!

Celebrating 21st Birthday in China

Rachel Palfini April 5, 2014

Last Saturday, I, along with my Chinese tutor (Alex), and CIEE classmate (Kasia), went to Tianzifang (天子方) to celebrate our birthdays (mine was on Sunday and Kasia's was Tuesday). Tianzifang...

ECNU has the first Mao statue ever commissioned on its campus. Now, all universities are required to have one.

Navigating City of 上海 (Shanghai)

Rachel Palfini March 1, 2014

I have now been in Shanghai for a week and cannot believe how much has changed since my first night. My first evening in Shanghai was pretty rough, mostly because my plane was delayed in Vancouver for...

Really Late Post About My First Few Days

Hanna Mosenthal September 23, 2012

I've been here for almost a week now! (When I started this post, now I've been here for two and a half) I know how to take both of the options for busses to and from the centre-ville, which is where IES...

Two Days in France: The Beginning

Richael Best January 30, 2012

Bonjour, tout le monde! My name is Richael Best and I'm a junior English Major/French Minor at Whitman. I'm from San Francisco, CA, and I am studying with the Institute for American Universities in Aix-en-Provence,...

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