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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Keeping Community Alive: Whitman's New Dorms

Keeping Community Alive: Whitman’s New Dorms

Catherine Gallo, Feature Writer November 7, 2024

Whitman has always made significant efforts to build a sense of community within campus, including requiring students to live on-campus for the first four semesters of their Whitman experience. Though...

Now that Marcus House and North Hall are closed, which buildings can we mock? Here’s a list:

Hunter Tucker, Former Jewett Resident September 19, 2024

Marcus House and North Hall have been the two buildings subject to the most ridicule on campus for decades, so the loss of both buildings in such a short period of time has dealt a crushing blow to the...

New Junior-Senior Residential Village Under Construction

Sybella Ssewakiryanga, News Reporter February 22, 2024

The construction of Whitman’s new junior and senior residential village is officially underway. The residential village is to be built along Boyer Avenue and Marcus Street, near the Glover Alston Intercultural...

Illustration by Kai Bowen

What I’m building with all these bike tires

Grace Canny, artist (officially fulfilled my art distribution) November 9, 2023

If you take a walk around campus, you might see a lot of bikes. If you keep walking around campus, you might see a lot of bikes without tires. And if you looked in my garage, you might see it full...

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