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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLV, Issue 4
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Op-ed: Rees-Mikula: Whitman can no longer ignore legacy of genocide

February 5, 2015
So are we honoring the native community or are we honoring their obliteration? By expressing pride in Whitman through these monuments and symbols, we celebrate acts of genocide.

Major should not be chosen based on others’ wishes

Peggy Li February 5, 2015
Even if I were to study something practical like biology, then go on to medical school, and become a successful doctor at age 26, would that really make me any happier? Biology and medical school are notoriously difficult, and would be doubly challenging because I have no real interest in the field.

Those Suffering from Mental Illness Need Not Suffer Alone

February 27, 2013
Though the current “Information Age” has made communication easier and faster, our society still remains silent on some important issues, including mental illness. As a society, we focus so much on physical health, staying fit and eating a healthy diet. Yet we forget how to take care of the mind.
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