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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Law, Culture & the Humanities Minor Prepares Students for Law School

Isabel Mathy, Campus Life Reporter March 13, 2025

This year, Whitman added a new minor, "Law, Culture & the Humanities" (LCH), to add more depth and variety to the liberal arts experience while focusing on preparing students for postgraduate opportunities...

Köln and Kindergarten: Possibilities for a future in Germany

Karah Kemmerly October 21, 2012

Last night I got back from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) fall orientation in Köln, and today I feel as if  I've seen the future. Not the clear sort of future you might see in a crystal...

Numbers in the news

Shelly Le September 29, 2011

$135,000 Median amount of debt with which the average student attending private medical school graduates. $1,761 Monthly payment on a debt of $150,000 at the end of a medical student's residency...

Liberal arts education valuable for pre-professional students

Sam Chapman September 29, 2011

Most larger universities, such as the University of Washington, have moved toward the trend of offering pre-professional majors, but Whitman is just one of the many liberal arts colleges across the nation...

Credit: Binta Loos-Diallo

Students in the arts face contemporary MFA debate

Kate Robinette April 25, 2011
Professors weigh in on the MFA experience for students interested in or uncertain of pursuing a career in the arts.

Letter to the Editor: ‘Graduate School Grief’

Letter to the Editor December 9, 2009
Pio's 'Graduate School Grief' article misrepresents the graduate school advising available to students at Whitman.
Credit: Sloane

Students, ASWC seek additional graduate school advising from Whitman

Galen Bernard December 3, 2009
Seniors looking at Graduate School programs must do so largely on their own since Whitman has no full-time grad school adviser.
Credit: Hubanks

College Fair supports students looking for life after college

Eric Nickeson-Mendheim October 29, 2009
Over thirty graduate schools attended Whitman's eighth annual grad school fair this past Tuesday, Oct. 27. The schools attended to recruit potential applicants and give students a first hand look at the rigorous application process. “With the economy, it's definitely getting harder to get into graduate school," said Student Engagement Center Director Susan Buchanan. “There's going to be at least a year before there are significant job opportunities, especially in certain fields."
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