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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Are gap years helpful?

Tasha Hall, Campus Life Reporter May 4, 2023

When you move from high school to college, and then maybe from college to graduate school, you may wonder whether you should take a break from academics. Some people worry this break will cause one...

Class of 2014 Future Plans Profiles

Class of 2014 Future Plans Profiles

Andy Monserud May 15, 2014
By the time they move their tassels, many Whitman seniors-turned-graduates will have already determined what they will be doing once they leave Walla Walla. The Pioneer spoke with three students about their future plans and where life after Whitman will take them.
Credit: Binta Loos-Diallo

Students in the arts face contemporary MFA debate

Kate Robinette April 25, 2011
Professors weigh in on the MFA experience for students interested in or uncertain of pursuing a career in the arts.
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