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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photo by Samarah Uribe Mendez

Comedian Gloria Bigelow provides provocative, socially conscious humor

Missy Gerlach, Staff Reporter November 10, 2016

As part of the ongoing Equality Coffeehouse event, FACE (Feminists Advocating for Change and Empowerment) invited a rather unique performer in comedian Gloria Bigelow, who uniquely addressed intersectional...

Two Men Arrested After Queer Beer Altercation

Lane Barton, News Editor October 7, 2015
Police were called after an altercation between two Walla Walla residents and Whitman students at last Saturday's Queer Beer.
David Nord Award Winners Announced

David Nord Award Winners Announced

Hannah Bartman November 14, 2013
The 18th-annual David Nord award was presented to seniors Ben Roberson and Sean Mulloy in late October. The award is presented to students who propose a project in relation to GLBTQ issues and cumulatively provides them with $2,500 to conduct their research.
Illustration by Eduardo Vazquez

Students Receive Nord Award for LGBTQ Research

Maegan Nelson May 2, 2013
Senior Diana Boesch and junior Maikor Pereira Azuaje are both finishing up their Nord Award projects. These students explored critical issues facing the queer community in academic and creative ways.
Illustration by Kelsey Lund and Julie Peterson

Queer Students Face Additional Challenges with Dating

Dylan Tull May 2, 2013
Queer individuals discuss the challenges and benefits to queer dating at Whitman.
Illustration by Luke Hampton

ASWC Passes Gender-Neutral Housing Resolution

Emily Lin-Jones February 27, 2013
On Sunday, Feb. 24, ASWC Senate adopted a resolution calling for a gender neutral housing option for first-years. Senators showed unanimous support for the resolution, passing it through a vote of acclamation.
Local high school students push back against bullying, spread awareness with GSA

Local high school students push back against bullying, spread awareness with GSA

Sarah Cornett October 11, 2012

Walla Walla High School has over 25 active student-organized clubs, but until last year there was no Gay-Straight Alliance. Senior Gabe Gonzales and juniors Tegan Coleman and Rosa Tobin knew that...

Lecture by veteran marks anniversary of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal

Lachlan Johnson September 20, 2012
This evening, Thursday, Sept. 20, army veteran Rob Smith will speak in Maxey Auditorium at 7 p.m. to mark the one-year anniversary of the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

In the closet: Some students mask LGBTQ identities at Whitman

Josh Goodman May 3, 2012
LGBTQ students who are not out describe their experiences at Whitman. Junior Marcos Garza* is in many ways a typical Whitman student: he’s studious, a member of a fraternity and active in campus clubs. Yet there’s a part of him that only a small number of his friends know about: “I guess, to tell you, I'm gay,” he says hesitantly.

Whitman community responds to the passage of the same-sex marriage bill, Maureen Walsh video

Dylan Tull February 16, 2012
Gay and civil rights activists celebrated a massive victory in Washington State as Governor Christine Gregoire signed the bill to legalize same-sex marriage into law last Monday, Feb. 13. The bill, which appeared to slide through the Washington State Senate and House of Representatives with ease, was in fact met with some opposition.
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