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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Why we need a bigger orgasm gap

Why we need a bigger orgasm gap

Gillian Mackay-Brown, Managing Editor May 4, 2023

Writer’s note: In discussing the way we conceptualize sex as a culture, my language will necessarily be binary. This is not to diminish the wide range in gender identities and sexualities that make...

Sex Dreams Offer Insight Into Our Repressed Sexual Desires

Maggie Mae Lemaris February 21, 2013
Allow yourself the time when you wake up in the morning after a dream of passion to contemplate the boundaries of your own sexual desires, because we all may be a little freakier than we allow ourselves to think. And that possibility is just too damn interesting to ignore.
Credit: Loos-Diallo

Sex toy party hopes to open discussion of female sexuality

Rachel Alexander November 9, 2009
Party seeks to reverse repression of female sexuality, open women up to their own sexual expression. Only women may attend the event to avoid reservations.
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