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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLIV, Issue 10
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

The renaissance of the Renaissance Faire

The renaissance of the Renaissance Faire

Tasha Hall, Campus Life Reporter April 27, 2023

The Renaissance Faire returned to Whitman College on Sautrday, April 22, 2023. Popular across the nation, Renaissance Faires are a unique source of entertainment with a very specific niche, especially...

Illustration by Astrid Ketcham.

Roll the dice and give D&D a chance

Alexa Grechishkin, Campus Life Reporter February 24, 2022

The first edition of the roleplaying game Dungeons and Dragons was released in 1974, and fans have been enthralled ever since. Creating characters and entering combat scenarios all while weaving through...

"The Shape of Water" a Beautifully Executed Film

“The Shape of Water” a Beautifully Executed Film

Alasdair Padman, Staff Reporter March 29, 2018

In an industry that has been flooded with remakes, sequels, prequels and franchises, the place for creative film directors and screenwriters has diminished into obscurity, with the few films that are genuinely...

Illustration by Catalina Burch

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Movie Review

Alasdair Padman, Staff Reporter January 25, 2018

Rian Johnson’s “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” (2017) is the antithesis of J. J. Abrams’ “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (2015). “The Force Awakens” was a nostalgia trip for old fans and an easily...

Upcoming Movies for Pre-Finals Procrastination

Upcoming Movies for Pre-Finals Procrastination

Nathan Fisher April 1, 2014
Movie reviewer Nathan Fisher provides a number of different movie in preparation for pre-final procrastination at Whitman in May.
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