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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

FACE hosts the 5th annual Breaking Ground Monologues

Afton Weaver, Staff Reporter March 9, 2017

The fifth annual Breaking Ground Monologues, held in Kimball Theatre from March 3 through 5, grappled with a multitude of thought-provoking and emotional topics, leaving a powerful impression on all who...

Illustration by Meg Cuca

Self love comes first

Rina Cakrani, Columnist October 27, 2016

 Why is it so hard to love ourselves? One of the things that surprised and concerned me the most during the Gender & Sexuality Workshop was when more than half of people in Jewett (the biggest...

Let’s Talk About Weight

Hillary Smith April 1, 2014
Touching on the weight extremes in our society and exploring the meaning of the word "normal" in regard to weight.

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week Offers Opportunity for Education

Anuradha Lingappa February 27, 2014
This week, Feb. 23–March 1, is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. In the United States, 20 million women and 10 million men will suffer from a serious eating disorder. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric disorders. Many important issues have days or weeks dedicated to raising awareness, and sometimes I wonder what the point is. Why would you raise awareness about an issue for one day or week, and then tacitly ignore it with no follow up for the rest of the year? However, raising awareness for eating disorders is absolutely crucial, not because people have never heard of them, but because, like most psychological disorders, they’re surrounded by misconceptions and stigma.
Illustration: Tyle Schuh

Idealism and Difference: Body Image at Whitman

August 29, 2013
A guest columnist considers the Whittie approach to thinking about body image.

Those Suffering from Mental Illness Need Not Suffer Alone

February 27, 2013
Though the current “Information Age” has made communication easier and faster, our society still remains silent on some important issues, including mental illness. As a society, we focus so much on physical health, staying fit and eating a healthy diet. Yet we forget how to take care of the mind.
Illustration: Julie Peterson

Under pressure: Social pressures to overcommit affect students’ emotional well-being

Julia Stone April 12, 2012
High and varied expectations of Whitman students - from academics, to the social sphere, to pressures to be fit - can bring undue stress into Whitties' lives. Resisting the pressure to over-extend can be difficult, but ultimately leads to a much more fulfilled life.
Illustration: Alex Bailey

BodyKind promotes positive body image

Allison Bolgiano March 11, 2012
BodyKind, a recently formed campus group aims to promote positive body-image and self-love through openness, support, and education.

Student responses to eating disorders survey

Rachel Alexander January 26, 2012

The  Pioneer  surveyed students about stress, coping behaviors, food and body image as part of the research process for  our article on eating disorders. One hundred ninety-two students responded (almost...

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