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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Over 70 students expressed support for divestment from fossil fuels today by gathering at Memorial Building.  Photos by Marie von Hafften.

Divestment Movement Continues to Gain Momentum

Lachlan Johnson February 21, 2013
Campus Climate Challenge’s (CCC) campaign to encourage Whitman to divest from fossil fuels has gained traction on campus, but has met with new challenges as students and administrators disagree over the best way to use the investment to lower the burning of fossil fuels.

High Consumption Demands Tough Choices

Danielle Broida October 31, 2012
Unless we can significantly reduce our resource use in America, blaming environmental issues on overpopulation is simply unethical, leaving us with the hard choice: to stop having kids like we suggest to the third world, or consume less.
Green Party vote not wasted

Green Party vote not wasted

Sam Chapman October 25, 2012
I am voting for Green Party Candidate Jill Stein because I refuse to compromise democracy by succumbing to political expedience.

Hydro power highlights green quandary

Sam Chapman October 11, 2012
Despite the benefits of the renewable energy they provide, dams have drawbacks that are worth incorporating into a balanced environmental ethic.

Whitties have power, responsibility to halt Port of Morrow time bomb

Sam Chapman September 27, 2012
Ambre Energy's proposed coal processing facility in nearby Boardman, Ore. poses serious risks not only to the global climate, but to our own health and well-being here in the Northwest. Thankfully, there is much we can do, even as busy Whitties, to help put it to a stop.

Campus Climate Challenge plans events, protests dirty energy

Dylan Tull September 29, 2011

When faced with the biggest environmental issues in recent memory, Whitman students are not known to remain silent.   Whitman's Campus Climate Challenge (CCC) has had a history of being in the forefront...

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