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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration: Ruth Hwang

How well do campus resources prepare students for life after Whitman?

Rachel Alexander May 9, 2012

Before I set off for Whitman, my parents sat down to give me some good old-fashioned advice. After all the usual concerns about studying hard and making good use of my time in college, they turned...

The Circuit: Graduation Edition

The Circuit: Graduation Edition

Patricia Vanderbilt May 9, 2012
My fellow seniors and I are about to let go of one of the main things that has defined us over the past several years: Soon, we will no longer be Whitman students.
Credit: cade beck

Whitman education similar to mindset of field ecologists

May 9, 2012

This column was contributed by Sophie Davis '12 Aldo Leopold, considered the father of the national forest wilderness system, whose book, The Sand County Almanac, and other essays have inspired...

Radio waves carry signal of hope for incarcerated listeners

Radio waves carry signal of hope for incarcerated listeners

caitlinhardee May 9, 2012

Ensconced behind the soundboard in the cozy KWCW studio, it's easy for a college DJ to imagine that nobody is actually listening. Few Whitties own radio sets, and while friends and family might be...

Institutional challenges hinder equal faculty pay

Institutional challenges hinder equal faculty pay

Rachel Alexander May 9, 2012

Over the past decade, the number of female faculty at Whitman has increased substantially. Women make up 60 percent of the student body, and the importance of gender equality is a topic brought up in classes...

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