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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

A surprising maturity in "The Lego Movie"

A surprising maturity in “The Lego Movie”

Nathan Fisher February 13, 2014
When the closing credits of the Lego Movie ended, I was exhausted from laughing, and I probably enjoyed the movie more than the kids.
'Don Jon' Reveals More Than Just Naked Bodies

‘Don Jon’ Reveals More Than Just Naked Bodies

Nathan Fisher October 3, 2013
At first glance, "Don Jon" looks like just your average movie about a porn-addicted Joisey boy. Take a deeper look however and it reveals more about the human spirit than just a plethora of naked and writhing bodies.
A Whirlwind Tour of 14 Weeks of Movies

A Whirlwind Tour of 14 Weeks of Movies

Nathan Fisher September 12, 2013
Read about movie reviewer Nathan Fisher's whirlwind summer adventure including music, movies, and a male stripper turned crime fighter.

Entire Summer Movie Season Recap

Nathan Fisher August 23, 2012

MMMMOOOVIES were my great escape from working a zillion hours at two minimum-wage jobs lifeguarding and scooping balls at the golf-driving rang. Thankfully, this summer was filled with great flicks. Here's...

Cheesy love story brings chuckles in ‘The Vow’

Nathan Fisher February 16, 2012
My 16 year-old sister suckered me into seeing “The Vow" on Friday night by saying Channing Tatum was an 100 percent better actor than Ryan Reynolds and Taylor Lautner. In honor of Valentine's Day, I forced myself to see this amnesic chick flick.
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