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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Photos contributed by interviewees.

Campus celebrities: they’re just like us!

Zoe Schacter-Brodie, Feature Editor March 9, 2023

At a school of Whitman’s size, certain notable characters are bound to surface. It’s not difficult to gain some name recognition or spark brief campus-wide conversation. What happens, though, to...

Illustration by Holly VanVoorhis.

My favorite singer is problematic, and I don’t care

Natalie Comerford, Opinion Columnist October 20, 2022

It seems impossible to keep up with celebrity drama. Take, for example, Rex Orange County’s recent sexual assault accusations, Taylor Swift’s enormous carbon footprint or Kayne West’s anti-semitic...

Public scrutiny of celebrities’ lives leads to greater accountability

Veronika Kiss December 4, 2014

In some respects, I understand the impulse driving our society's fascination with celebrities. When we find a work of art entertaining or moving, it seems natural to want to transfer those feelings onto...

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