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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Lanh Tran

Responding to Trudeau’s brownface scandal

Nidhi Jaltare, Columnist October 3, 2019

Trump was elected when I was applying to colleges in America. Everyone around me was complaining about how much they regretted not applying to a school in Canada instead. This was just an angry, spontaneous...

Finding new home makes for difficult transition

Martina Pansze September 25, 2014
“I don’t think people realize that it’s a huge deal to decide to transfer from another school," she said.

Airport Apocalypse

Lindsey Holdren January 28, 2013

Journal Entry - Day 3 stranded in the Canadian airport bubble Life energy meter: down 18% Personal hygiene status: showered (success!), same clothes worn for three days (fail) I've begun learning...

Visiting educator Magnus Isacsson lectures on documentaries in a global context for a Hot Doc class session.  Photo Credit: Zach Rosenberg

Documentary filmmaker Isacsson visits campus

Nate Lessler October 6, 2010

Canadian documentary filmmaker Magnus Isacsson has been at Whitman College for the past two weeks putting on film screenings, visiting classrooms, answering questions and teaching an evening course. The...

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