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Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Lit Review: “The Great American Dirtbags”

Martina Pansze, A&E Editor February 4, 2016
In “The Dirtbag Manifesto,” Mehall tells the story of how he came to be a “born-again dirtbag.”

Book Review: “Station Eleven” by Emily St. John Mandel shatters clichés

Martina Pansze, A&E Editor November 10, 2015
Full of dark suspense and masterfully-executed plot twists, “Station Eleven” leaves the reader disturbed without delving into the gory minutia transpiring at the beginning of civilization’s collapse.
'The End of Night' Review: Author Paul Bogard Seeks Natural Darkness, Inspiration

‘The End of Night’ Review: Author Paul Bogard Seeks Natural Darkness, Inspiration

Emma Dahl April 1, 2014
Astrophysics major and A&E writer Emma Dahl reviews Paul Bogard's latest book, 'The End of Night.'

‘The Name of the Wind’ by Patrick Rothfuss

Dana Thompson December 6, 2012
Dana Thompson encourages us to embrace our inner nerds and crack open Patrick Rothfuss' "The Name of the Wind."

‘Going Bovine’ by Libba Bray

Dana Thompson November 15, 2012
Ready for a book that "finally deviates from the norm"? Dana Thompson recommends Libba Bray's darkly humorous "Going Bovine."

‘The Thirteenth Tale’ by Diane Setterfield

Dana Thompson October 31, 2012
This week, Dana Thompson recommends "The Thirteenth Tale," a modern-day Gothic tale of "love, loss, death, isolation and twins."

‘I Am the Messenger’ by Markus Zusak

Dana Thompson October 18, 2012
Need a book with a fresh perspective on life? Dana Thompson recommends Markus Zusak's "I Am the Messenger."

“A Discovery of Witches” by Deborah Harkness

Dana Thompson October 11, 2012
This week, Dana Thompson takes a look at "A Discovery of Witches," a brainier, more exciting alternative to the likes of "Twilight."

Book review: ‘North and South’ by Elizabeth Gaskell

Dana Thompson September 27, 2012
Dana Thompson offers a look at "North and South," an engrossing, romantic 19th century novel that sheds light on class differences.
Image courtesy of HarperCollins Publishers

Some “Beautiful Ruins,” Indeed . . .

Dana Thompson August 21, 2012

How do you feel about e-readers? These newfangled devices that allow you to press buttons instead of turn pages and download nearly any book in thirty seconds? Skeptical? Yeah. I'm feeling that. Maybe...

Image courtesy of Harcourt Books

“A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor

Dana Thompson July 7, 2012

My coming into possession of this short story collection is really a classic example of the "Intrigued Student" phenomenon––an occurrence in which the student in question is completely and utterly...

Image courtesy of Penguin Group (USA)

“A Death in the Family” by James Agee

Dana Thompson June 10, 2012

In looking at the two reviews I have thus far posted, I realized I might be giving the impression that I only read fluff novels. Yes, even the story about German Occupation in World War Two had a goodly...

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