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Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Too Little Too Late for NFL Domestic Violence Policy

Too Little Too Late for NFL Domestic Violence Policy

Dylan Snyder September 11, 2014
The NFL clearly has a problem on its hands when it comes to domestic violence. This summer, a video surfaced of Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice dragging his unconscious then-girlfriend, now wife Janay Palmer out of an elevator by her hair. Rice had allegedly knocked Palmer out seconds before in the elevator. Video footage from inside the elevator was made public on Monday and brought Rice's relatively lax, two-game suspension back into the public discussion, while also completely clearing up what had occurred inside the elevator.

More Support Needed for Troubled NFL Players

Dylan Snyder November 14, 2013
Players in the NFL have often had substance-abuse problems, and this season is no different with both Aldon Smith and Justin Blackmon having to step away from their teams to receive help. The NFL needs to do more to help these players.
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