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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Walla Walla County unveils new COVID-19 website

Abby Malzewski, Staff Reporter November 12, 2020

Walla Walla County finally has its own COVID-19 website. On Nov. 2, the County Health Department published a new website that illustrates recent trends and resources for combating COVID-19 in the county....

ASWC petition calls for equitable grading system during COVID-19 pandemic

Alissa Antilla, Editor-in-Chief April 2, 2020

With Whitman College’s move to online distance-learning, students and faculty are reconsidering the college’s current grading system.  As it stands, Whitman operates on a standard A, B, C, D, F...

Symposium, WIDE Council discuss diversity

Symposium, WIDE Council discuss diversity

Lane Barton February 26, 2015
Questions about Whitman’s diversity ideals are a strong focus of the WIDE Council. A committee composed of 18 members which meets once a month, the WIDE Council will have subcommittees focus on topics such as access and success, climate and intergroup relations, education and scholarship, and institutional viability and leadership commitment. Although only two meetings have occurred this year, the WIDE Council already has a vision of two initial goals that they hope to achieve.
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