Hometown: Austin, Texas
Major: Both Undecided
Over lunch at Jewett Dining Hall, Morgan and Courtney sit down to talk about tennis, twins and time at Whitman together.

When did you start playing tennis?
Morgan: When we were five years-old.
Courtney: The courts were right across the street from our elementary school, so it was the cool thing for little kids to go and play tennis.
Were you part of a team when you were younger?
Courtney: It was mostly individual tournaments that we started playing when we were eight.
Morgan: When we were 12 we started traveling outside of Texas to national tournaments.
Did your high school have a tennis focus?
Courtney: It was a normal college prep school, but happened to have a tennis academy attached to it.
Morgan: The academy was a ton of work. We had practice from 3:50 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. every day and then fitness until 7:00 p.m.
Courtney: During the day when other kids had free periods, we were having lessons. It was a lot of work, but it helped us get better.
How was the transition from high school tennis to college tennis?
Courtney: Coming to a Division III school was kind of different because we were training at an academy that was preparing us for a DI-level school. So here there is a lot more emphasis on schoolwork, which is important. So we’re really well prepared, and we can always do extra work outside of practice.
Morgan: Also, junior tennis is so cut-throat, and a lot of junior players start hating tennis. Coming here, the environment is so much more healthy. Everyone wants to work so hard and get better. The team is so much more supportive than the academy.
Looking forward to the next three years, what are you guys most excited about?
Morgan: Spending more time with our team, just getting even closer.
Courtney: This year I want to win conference and get to nationals.
Morgan: I want to win a national championship.
Favorite pre-game meal?
Morgan: Steak, everyday!
Courtney: Yeah, steak is awesome!
Morgan: But like, really, pasta with some chicken is probably the best.
Courtney: No sodas or candy.
Morgan: Except for occasionally . . .
What’s it like to go to college together?
Morgan: We were both choosing between the same top two schools and our parents were like “Ok, you guys need to decide on the count of three, just say which school” and we both said Whitman.
Courtney: But we have our own friends and everything, so it’s nice.
Favorite place to eat in Texas?
Morgan: Everything is good!
Courtney: Can’t go wrong, bigger and better. I mean, Outback is a chain . . .
Morgan: But it’s one of our favorites!
Courntey: Also, Homeslice pizza. We took the team there when they came to play over in Texas spring break and they loved it.
Morgan: And Amy’s ice cream. Best ice cream in the world!
Any pet peeves about being a twin?
Morgan: We get asked three times a day if we’re twins. We’re kind of used to it, so it’s not that big of a deal.
Courtney: Just people calling us the wrong names. They know who we are, but people just mess up sometimes.
Morgan: Or just being called “Lawless” or “The Twins” instead of our first names.
Favorite part about being twins?
Morgan: The Fred and George [from Harry Potter] aspect that we get to prank people and be tricky.
Courtney: And the Brian Brothers! They’re amazing tennis double players, the best that have ever lived, by far.
Morgan: They’ve been our idols since we were eight.