+ March 03: Several restrictions on the Navy’s employment of mid-frequency sonars off the coast of California were upheld by a federal appeals court. This is significant because President Bush has attempted to exempt the Navy from environmental laws, but the appeals court agreed with an earlier ruling that questioned the constitutionality of Bush’s ruling.
source: Associated Press
+ February 29: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed that 42,753 square miles of the northern U.S. be given over as a wildlife reserve for the Canadian Minx, which would make the space 20 times larger than a similar proposal asked for in 2006. The Interior Department has not made a final decision, and will take public comment until April 28.
source: Environmental News Service
+ March 04: A conference took place this week of individuals and groups who are skeptical about global warming. Although videos and speeches were abundant, actual sciencentific fact was largely absent from the conference, according the New York Times.
source: grist.org