Editor-in-Chief Shelly Le: Hey Backpage! Isn’t it about time for my interview? This my last Pio ever after all!
Backpage: Oh gosh, yeah! I guess so. How does it feel to be finally done with The Pio?
SL: GREAT. I’m SO done! Especially because of those staffers who write their articles on production night …*Cough cough*
BP: Ha ha ha, yeah … So Shelly, you’ve been with The Pio for all four years here. What has been your favorite Pio moment?
SL: You are probably thinking of when we won the Pacemaker award for prettiest non-read college newspaper website from ACP, but you’d be wrong. My favorite moment was when the News section won the coveted Pio skull at my first Pio party during Pioneer initiation week my sophomore year. I worked hard for that trophy! Changed my profile and everything.
BP: Has your first Pio party experience influenced your work at The Pio and tenure as the EIC?
SL: Well … let’s just say a little liquid courage has gone a long way to getting me to this point. That and a LOT of baking soda.
BP: Incredible. What are your plans after graduation?
SL: Thanks to my account dates4does&deers.com, I have a buck in my life now, and things have never been better. We’ve been on a few frolics in the woods, and I think it’s getting pretty serious. We’re thinking about taking a trip to the meadows together after graduation.
BP: Well, that’s great to hear! Thank you for all of your hard work at The Pio all these years!
SL: Thank you for finally writing your damn article!