Winning the election is only the first step for soon-to-be members of ASWC Executive Council. Before the start of the ’09 -’10 school year, EC officers-elect must prepare themselves for their future positions.
Two such officers are Sophomore Matt Dittrich and Junior Jordan Clark.
Much of the elected officers preparation takes the form of meeting with and shadowing the students who currently hold the positions they will soon inherit. Finance Chair-elect Dittrich has spent his time meeting with various groups on campus and also with the departing Finance Chair, senior David Changa-Moon.
“I’ve spent numerous hours in Club Sports meetings, EC meetings [and] private meetings with the current Finance Chair David Changa-Moon, all in addition to my numerous meetings and end-of-the-year tasks as a current Finance Senator,” Dittrich said. “The ASWC accounting structure is a little fuzzy, and there is a lot left to be defined with regards to how ASWC functions financially.”
Though his position entails a lot of work, Dittrich is still enthusiastic about the upcoming fall. He believes that his early preparations, along with the support of Changa-Moon, will lay a solid foundation for his first days on the job.
“I am extremely excited for next year, and am confident that David’s invaluable help and mentoring will allow for a very smooth transition,” said Dittrich. “Already, I’m working on several big endeavors regarding our new Service Learning legislation, ASWC’s relationship with Club Sports, and the general structure of ASWC for next year.”
For Jordan Clark, ASWC Student Affairs Chair-elect, the majority of preparations have been structural.
“We recently created a new Program Board Committee to replace the Programming Committee,” said Clark. “There are no senators on the new Program Board, which meant we had to find a place for six senators. I [also] just passed a by-law this last Sunday that put eight senators on Student Affairs, six on Finance, and two who sit on the Nominations Committee and work for the Communications Director. Now that I have eight senators on my committee, I’m working on assigning my senators very specific roles so they have a good sense of direction.”
Clark’s plans would not be complete, however, without collaborating with current EC members and senior Roman Goerss, Clark’s predecessor as Student Affairs Chair.
“I’ve been speaking with the current Executive Council regularly for words of wisdom,” Clark said. “I’ll be meeting with Roman Goerss shortly to discuss issues we need to address for next year.”