50: number of Whitman students participating in The Story Time Project this year*182: number of Whitman volunteers reported by 23 local organizations who have volunteered independently of the Center for Community Service this year*73: number of agencies and organizations in Walla Walla accepting volunteers through the Center for Community Service*27.1: percent of college students who volunteer nationally before Sept. 11, 200130.2: percent of college students who volunteer nationally since Sept. 11, 20013.3: millions of college students who volunteered in 200539.2: percent of black college students who participate in mentoring activities22.3: percent of white college students who participate in mentoring activities11: rank of Washington among all states for percentage of college volunteers with 37.6 percent (Utah was first, New York was last)46.4: percent of college students who worked 1-10 hours per week who also volunteered.29.8: percent of college students who were not employed who volunteered.33: percent of female college students who volunteer29.8: percent of male college students who volunteer2: times more likely college students age 18-24 are to volunteer than those the same age not enrolled in college
volunteering, by the numbers
Elsbeth Otto
April 10, 2008