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Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Editorial Board Statement: Conclusion of Our Special Issue 10

Editorial Board Statement: Conclusion of Our Special Issue 10

It is not a stretch to say that now more than ever is the greatest moment for student outcry and the power of students’ voices that Whitman College has ever laid witness to.  Over five months...

Editorial: Endorsing Joe Biden for president

Alasdair Padman, Editor-in-chief October 28, 2020

The Wire's Editorial Board endorses Joe Biden for president. This endorsement is limited to the members of the Board, though we expect that many of the students, faculty and staff at Whitman College will...

Letter from the Editors

Aleida Fernandez September 11, 2014
Even while some things change, a lot of things will — and should — stay the same. As the two of us settle into our new roles, we look forward to seeing what the school year brings.
Letter from the Editor: Circuit 11 Graduation Issue

Letter from the Editor: Circuit 11 Graduation Issue

Shelly Le May 15, 2014

The morning I left for college is still a vivid memory to me. I woke up at 5 a.m. to catch my flight and hurriedly said goodbye to my mother, upset that she wasn't able to come to the airport to drop...

Farewell Letter from 2013-2014 Editor-in-Chief

Shelly Le May 8, 2014
Before stepping down from her position, Editor in Chief Shelly Le takes a moment to say words of thanks to those who have made her position possible.
Photo by Marcovici

Letter from the Editor: Circuit 10

Shelly Le April 1, 2014
Editor-in-Chief Shelly Le welcomes spring and the second half of the Whitman semester in her Circuit Letter from the Editor, commemorating the magazine's tenth issue.

Letter from the Editor: Continue the Dialogue

Shelly Le January 30, 2014
Last semester, the Whitman campus engaged in a variety of critical discussions about race through public events like student panels on racism, and anonymously through the online website Whitman Encounters. As both an observer and a participant in these discussions, I’ve watched my fellow Whitman peers say countless, anonymous, hurtful things over the internet questioning or pointing out the actions or beliefs of specific individuals that do little to further discussions regarding race on campus.
Letter from the Editor: Circuit Issue 9

Letter from the Editor: Circuit Issue 9

Shelly Le December 9, 2013
This issue is a reflection of our thoughts and feelings over food. Our hope is that not only will you pick up this issue to not only read about our thoughts on this subject gaze at the photos that have captured beautiful moments in time, but to also use this issue as a chance to connect, discuss and reflect with other Whitman students on this very wide and varied topic. So, sit back and relax with a warm cup of tea in hand as you peruse through these pages.

Letter from the Editor: Mid-Semester Check-in

Shelly Le November 7, 2013
This is our ninth issue of the year, and while we've passed our halfway mark of the semester and of publication, now is a better time than any to reflect on the work we've done so far this semester. This period has been a time of tremendous growth and learning. While we've hired many returning staff, we've also hired a large group of eager first-years to fill positions as reporters, columnists, photographers, illustrators, production and advertising associates. Although this is my seventh semester working for The Pioneer, I still have a lot to learn with my position. During my short time as editor-in-chief, I hope to do a lot of things that maintain the high quality standards that have been set by editors-in-chief before me, while also forging new avenues.
Letter from the Editor for Jamie Soukup Reid

Letter from the Editor for Jamie Soukup Reid

Shelly Le September 12, 2013
Editor in Chief Shelly Le addresses the loss of one beloved Pio community member, Jamie Soukup Reid.

Circuit 5 Letter from the Editor

Allie Felt November 26, 2012
As the end of fall semester approaches, many of us start thinking about the world beyond Whitman.

Letter from the Editor

Rachel Alexander September 6, 2012
The Pioneer has seen a lot of growth since I penned my first article, and this year I hope to continue this growth.
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