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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

The Wire Supports:

November 3, 2016
The Wire's 2016 election endorsements

Board Editorial: Mascot change important step in Whitman history

April 6, 2016

President Kathy Murray’s announcement that the Mascot Working Group unanimously recommends to change the Missionary mascot is a milestone in our college’s history. By creating the Mascot Working Group,...

From the Editors: The Pioneer’s Un-naming

February 24, 2016

2/26 Update: Your thoughts and feedback are important to us. Please add to this discussion using this form if you'd like to share ideas, reactions, or any additional comments with us. Last week,...

Board Editorial: Whitman Must Face its History of Racism

December 3, 2015

Colleges and universities across the nation are being called to account and make amends for racist histories. At Yale, a process is underway to rename a residence hall that honors the leader of the...

Board Editorial: Corporate Language Betrays Whitman’s Purpose

November 5, 2015
This institution is being run like a business, not a college.

Board Editorial: Is Whitman Really a Community?

October 15, 2015
Confronting racism and privilege are not happy tasks, but they are necessary if “community” is to be more than a meaningless cliché.

Students must continue to pressure administration about economic diversity

Sam Chapman October 29, 2014
The administration promises they will be taking student concerns into account in their next meetings in November and February, yet there is no accompanying promise of transparency, no means for students or faculty to hold trustees accountable to a meaningful change in policy

Waiilatpu Needs More Than Funding to Flourish

Editorial Board April 4, 2013
If ASWC intends to fund Waiilatpu for the coming year, they should do so with the longer-term viability of the publication in mind.

Board Editorial: Student Representation Critical for Meaningful Campus Governance

Editorial Board February 7, 2013
The Pioneer's editorial board supports increased forms of student representation on Whitman's board of trustees

Board editorial: Whitman needs to rethink police reporting policies

Editorial Board March 2, 2012

This editorial was written by the Pioneer  editors in light of the March 1, 2012 article, "Victims find sexual misconduct process ineffective." Sexual assault is an undeniably complicated crime to...

Illustration: Kelly Douglas

Board Editorial: Alberto G. case reveals need for reevaluation of tenure review process

Editorial Board February 9, 2012

The scale of the recent student protests regarding Assistant Professor of Spanish Alberto G.'s* tenure denial speaks not only to Galindo's impact on those who have taken his classes, but also to a large-scale...

Whitman should support community solar project

Editorial Board April 21, 2011

Whitman prides itself on promoting environmental consciousness--a goal which shapes classroom learning and campus life. The creation of the Sustainability Revolving Loan Fund (SRLF) in 2009 demonstrated,...

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