Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLIV, Issue 10
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Video gamers find support to overcome addiction

Video gamers find support to overcome addiction

Hannah Bartman March 7, 2013
Video game addiction has the same ability to affect lives as any substance, but how do students overcome a non-physical addiction?
Whitman, Walla Walla University Accept Personal Marriage Views

Whitman, Walla Walla University Accept Personal Marriage Views

Adam Brayton February 27, 2013
Whitman might not feel like a school where finding a soulmate is as common as the urban legends would have students believe. Usually Whitman students see the neighboring Walla Walla University as a school where students more commonly get married while at school—but how accurate is that assumption?
The inside of the Barn

Off-Campus Houses Given Names for Both Obvious Characteristics, Inside Humor

Emily Williams February 21, 2013
Whitman is a college with colorfully named houses. Sometimes those house names are based on inside jokes, puns and strange intricacies about the house. Other times, the reason for the name is staring the viewer right in the face.
Parental Guidance, Emphasis on Education Draws In Legacies

Parental Guidance, Emphasis on Education Draws In Legacies

Adam Brayton February 14, 2013
When senior Nick Marquiss sat down at his first Encounters class, he found himself sitting across the table from the same professor who taught his father decades before.
A hawk soars over Walla Walla.

Birds Receive Protection, Face Mammalian Threats

Hannah Bartman February 7, 2013
Walla Walla’s populated mix of progressive college students, farmers and small town families is also home to a group of unacknowledged individuals: birds.
Students Discuss Assumptions Surrounding Gluten-Free

Students Discuss Assumptions Surrounding ‘Gluten-Free’

Serena Runyan January 31, 2013
No longer a dietary restriction for those physically intolerant to gluten, people have adopted the gluten-free diet for a variety of reasons pertaining to health and well-being.
Super seniors appreciate prolonged time for study

Super seniors appreciate prolonged time for study

Serena Runyan January 24, 2013
After an enriching high school experience studying abroad in Latin America, current fifth-year Oliver Wood knew he wanted to take a semester off before beginning his time at college. Little did he then know that this would take him down the path to becoming a "super senior."

Crawlspaces generate myths, serve purpose

Adam Brayton December 6, 2012
Some say it was once a morgue, while others tell tales that someone managed to live there, one thing is for certain: the Catacombs do exist.
E-Books Versus Print Books

E-Books Versus Print Books

Kaili Masamoto November 29, 2012
For many students who have started using e-books, there is no turning back to the days of reading ordinary print books.
Students Have Little Insight Into Governing Boards

Students Have Little Insight Into Governing Boards

Rachel Alexander November 15, 2012
The fifteen members of Whitman's Board of Trustees have the power to set tuition, hire and fire the president and guide long-term policy for the college, but in spite of the influence they wield on campus, most students have relatively little knowledge about what actually occurs at Trustee and committee meetings.
Photos by Catie Bergman.

Wine sparks academic pursuit

Adam Brayton November 8, 2012
Walla Walla's wine industry is certainly a nice addition to the town for parents and seniors, but its emergence and growth also hold academic promise.
Food Service Requires Early Rise

Food Service Requires Early Rise

Talia Rudee October 31, 2012
It’s college, also known as four years of staying up late and sleeping in. But believe it or not, there are people at Whitman who need to keep things on campus and local businesses running before 10 a.m.
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