Senate the Fourth
April 5, 2016
Sunday’s Senate began promptly at 7:00 PM with a flurry of discussion, culminating in debate over the role of the Resolution. Vice President Arthur Shemitz and President Jack Percival recalled their presentation to the Trustees during which they highlighted campus safety, preferred gender pronouns, and the Global Studies Initiative. President Percival solicited feedback on ASWC’s budget priorities for a meeting with the budget advisory committee. He planned to request additional funds for the Bike Share Program, Power and Privilege Symposium, and FGWC (First Generation and Working Class) fly-in pre orientation. After reviewing club budgets, Arthur Shemitz, AnnaMarie McCorvie and Jon Miranda worked towards drafting a new by-law concerning Campus Media Organizations’ purchases of personal items such as pens and stickers. Mitch Cutter updated the Senate on his investigations into college transparency, possible carbon taxes and transforming Reid into a community space with a “restaurant-that-serves-alcohol feel.”
ASWC ratified the Whitman Socialist Front after what Arthur Shemitz praised as “one of the most impressive presentations I’ve ever seen.” Club founder Brynn Louise explained that the Whitman Socialist Front “intends to educate the community” about socialism and “bring[…] about an… egalitarian society.” The club hopes to collaborate with other ideologically similar groups on campus, such as FACE and the Black Student Union.
Yu Jian Wang and NoahLani Nitwinsella, members of Whitman’s Moot Court team, received funding to attend a Moot Court competition in Anaheim, California. Wang emphasized how Moot Court allows students to practice reading case files “as long as a Biology textbook,” an especially valuable opportunity for students interested in law.
Sophomore Dan Pailthorp joined the Student Life Committee upon ASWC’s unanimous confirmation. The committee, according to Nominations Chair AnnaMarie McCorvie, “makes non-academic, non-disciplinary changes, and works, for example, on gender diversity.” Pailthorp intends to increase the diversity of voices addressing the Global Studies Initiative and other ongoing issues; he believes that “through these types of conversations, Whitman can be a campus that communicates more.”
Following recent horrific events in Paris, first-year Senator Caroline Bauwens wrote a Resolution extending support to the people of France. However, the Senate expressed concern over the implications of its passage, and chose to remand it (send it back) to the Student Affairs Committee. Finance Chair Anya Tudisco questioned whether “this is the sort of issue Whitman should be taking a stance on” through with a Resolution. First-year Senator Ben Cosgrove stated his discomfort with “supporting one country over another.” Vice President Arthur Shemitz encouraged the Senate to show its sympathy and support for the French by attending last Monday’s candlelight vigil.