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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLIV, Issue 10
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Town Hall.  Photos by Brennan Johnson.

ASWC Town Hall Looks at International Travel, Budget, Yearbook

Dylan Tull April 11, 2013

The final Associated Students of Whitman College (ASWC) Town Hall of the year focused on three major subjects: the lifting of the international travel ban, addressing concerns regarding the ASWC budget...

Illustration by Emily Jones

ASWC President Sex Tape Scandal

Evelyn Levine February 27, 2013
This past week, a sex tape of Associated Students of Whitman College President junior Beemon Shethmoozian surfaced. The video of the ASWC president, a plate of kale, a giant stuffed teddy bear and multiple members of the Whitman Events Board in what is presumably an empty Town Hall meeting has spread across campus like wildfire.

ASWC must improve spaces for engagement

Blair Hanley Frank April 12, 2012
Making effective, and necessary, changes to the way ASWC handles student engagement will be difficult and will take time. But they will do wonders for improving the health of student government, and the Whitman community, in the long run.

Mission statement discussed at town hall meeting

Karah Kemmerly March 3, 2011
Students curious about the future of Whitman College gathered in Reid on Monday, February 28 for an ASWC town hall meeting, where they heard from President Bridges and associate professor of sociology and assistant dean of faculty Professor Michelle Janning.
Photo Credit: Jack Lazar

Town Hall Meeting Highlights Enrollment Pressure

Karah Kemmerly October 21, 2010
ASWC representatives and Whitman students gathered in the basement of Reid for the fall 2010 Town Hall. Andrea Dobson, professor of astronomy and chair of the faculty, Timothy Kaufman-Osborn, provost and dean of the faculty and President George Bridges came to discuss the problem of enrollment pressure and to answer student questions regarding the issue.
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