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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Strategic Planning Committee Focuses on Inclusion

Rachel Needham, Staff Reporter April 27, 2017

By the end of the spring ’17 semester, the 2016-17 Strategic Planning Committee will have nearly completed its first phase. Co-chaired by President Kathy Murray, Vice Chair of the Board Nancy Serrurier...

Student loan fraud impacts campus: Loan provider Navient accused of mishandling payments

Andy Monserud, Staff Reporter February 2, 2017

It’s an uncertain time for Whitman students, and especially for those accumulating debt to pay for their education. The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau sued student loan servicer Navient earlier this...

School adjusts to budget cuts

Mitchell Smith, Editor in Chief October 20, 2016

Departments at Whitman will have to fight for additional funds this coming year due to a shortfall in the college’s 2016-2017 budget. President Kathy Murray sent an email to all staff and faculty on...

Whitman Admissions Adopts Test Optional Application Process

Kate Grumbles September 22, 2016

The Whitman Office of Admissions announced on September 20 that standardized tests would no longer be mandatory for applicants to Whitman College. This change comes on the heels of a nearly unanimous...

Admissions Office Aiming for Larger Class of 2020

North Bennett May 5, 2016
The Office of Admissions is aiming for a larger Class of 2020 to account for an unexpectedly small class the previous year.
Rock Bottom: Why is Whitman Not Financially Accessible?

Rock Bottom: Why is Whitman Not Financially Accessible?

Lachlan Johnson and Sarah Cornett October 28, 2015
Whitman’s endowment is strong, and has grown significantly in recent years. So why does the college continue to struggle to provide access to middle- and low-income students?
Infographic by Spencer Light.

Class of 2019 Smallest in Recent Times

Georgia Lyon September 17, 2015
Whitman’s class of 2019 is smaller than expected because the yield from the main applicant and waitlist pools was lower than anticipated. The group of 364 first-years and 17 transfers fell well short of both the goals and expectations of the Office of Admissions given past trends, resulting in more space in residence halls this year.

Regional diversity brings different views

Natalie Berg April 21, 2015
While most Whitman students still come from the West Coast, regional diversity is growing. Students from regions outside the Pacific Northwest can have a different perspective on campus culture and customs.

ASWC resolution advocates switch to test-free admissions

Annie Roge October 23, 2014
The ASWC resolution emphasizes the role of standardized testing in admissions as one that perpetuates inequality and lends an advantage to students from more privileged backgrounds. Due to a variety of factors, including unequal access to supplemental materials and tutoring, the average score of white students is almost 300 points higher than their black peers, while the scores of students from high-income families exceed those of students with low-income families by almost 400 points.

Admission Accepts Fewer Transfer Students This Spring

Anna Zheng February 6, 2014
This spring Whitman College welcomed seven new students to its ranks. Though the number of admitted students in the spring may vary from year to year, admission officers say that the criteria for admission remain the same.

Adam Miller Selected as New Director of Admission

Maegan Nelson March 31, 2013
Adam Miller, an alumnus of Claremont McKenna College was recently hired as the new Director of Admissions. Not only was he previously the associate dean of admissions in 2010, but he was also a professional baseball player.
Parental Guidance, Emphasis on Education Draws In Legacies

Parental Guidance, Emphasis on Education Draws In Legacies

Adam Brayton February 14, 2013
When senior Nick Marquiss sat down at his first Encounters class, he found himself sitting across the table from the same professor who taught his father decades before.
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