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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 5
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Dropping out means new opportunities

Dropping out means new opportunities

Joey Gottlieb December 6, 2012
In explaining why he chose to withdraw from Whitman, Joey encourages all students to examine their own education and understand what aspects of it are nourishing or stressful.

Making a Difference Means More Than Activism

Joey Gottlieb November 15, 2012
Too much emphasis on activism as the principal way to make a positive impact in this world overlooks the myriad other ways people can improve the lives of those around them.
Ignoring conservative ideas costly

Ignoring conservative ideas costly

Joey Gottlieb October 18, 2012
In light of David Brooks' recent talk at Whitman, it's worth considering the treatment of alternative political viewpoints on campus

Befriending community members challenges assumptions

Joey Gottlieb October 4, 2012
Community members often feel slighted by Whitman students and parents, but intentional engagement reveals a diverse array of personalities, interests, and dreams.

The Whitest African: Students must better engage with diversity speakers

Joey Gottlieb September 20, 2012
We are fortunate to have a fantastic array of esteemed lecturers and speakers come to campus to share their insights, but too often the inspiring talks and money spent to bring the speakers here become worthless in the face of student apathy.
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