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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

The roof of Maxey Hall. One of the cell towers is on the other side of the barriers. The barriers were put up to warn workers on the roof about RF radiation. Photo contributed by Jeff Donahue

Exposure to radio frequency radiation on Maxey Hall roof concerns Physical Plant workers; Whitman College cited by Washington State Department of Labor & Industries

Emma Fletcher-Frazer, News Editor November 21, 2019

Thirteen. That’s the number of years that Physical Plant employees have worked on the roof of Maxey Hall — without suitable safety training — while cell antennas have occupied the same area, exposing...

Through the Windows of the Barber Shop

Through the Windows of the Barber Shop

Alissa Antilla, Feature Editor February 8, 2018

Walla Walla native Ellen Saager has been watching Walla Walla grow from the windows of her barber shop — Ellen’s Cutting Edge — since 1987. Before that, she watched from the windows of her...

Photo by Tywen Kelly

Conversations Held About Douglas Hall Tree

Georgia Lyon April 14, 2016
Concerns over structural safety vs. personal value of the Japanese maple tree in Douglas Hall has led to conversations about the future of the tree.

Timely Warning Email Leaves Unanswered Questions

Sarah Cornett February 27, 2014

Students, faculty and staff were sent a timely warning email from Dean of Students Chuck Cleveland last Friday stating that Eddie Mathews, a custodian employed by the college, had activated "trespassed"...

Physical Plant Staff Defeats Another Winter

Physical Plant Staff Defeats Another Winter

Drew Edmonds February 20, 2014
On Feb. 11, 2014 President George Bridges held a lunch to honor the heroic efforts of Physical Plant employees, specifically members of the grounds crew, during the past couple weeks of harsh winter conditions.
Whitman's Yard Sale Means More Than Cheap Furniture

Whitman’s Yard Sale Means More Than Cheap Furniture

Sarah Cornett September 12, 2013
The Physical Plant Yard Sale collects all the odds and ends of Whitman's furniture and devices, including everything from chairs to typewriters, while also funding the Non-Traditional Student Scholarship fund.

Anderson Hall remodel allows residence to join 21st century

Lachlan Johnson September 27, 2012
This summer Anderson Hall underwent its largest renovation since its construction in 1954. Improvements include the removal of fire doors which divided the building’s hallways, improved lighting in hallways and lounges, and the removal of built-in cabinets in two sections of the residence hall, as well as remodeling of the bathrooms, a new paint job, and new carpeting.
Credit: Catie Bergman

Physical plant waters down concerns about sprinkler use

Allison Work September 22, 2011
Frequent sprinkler use on campus has led some students to raise concerns about water conservation at a purportedly environmentally-friendly school. However, physical plant employees assure students that the sprinkler system is sustainable.
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