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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Megan Suka.

Cross-Fire: Stay in or walk out?

Natalie Comerford and Bex Heimbrock October 5, 2022

Performative activism- Natalie Comerford A flier plastered on campus for the Oct. 4 abortion rights walk-out reads: “STUDENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTEST. DO NOT LET YOUR VOICE BE SILENT.” Students...

Illustration by Ally Kim.

We need to keep talking about Palestine

Alanna Sherman, Columnist October 21, 2021

Following the rise of footage depicting the oppressive tactics Israeli settlers use on Palestinians, the phrase "Free Palestine"  started to dominate my social media timeline.  In the spring of 2021,...

Illustration by Ally Kim.

Infographics desensitize us from the issues at hand

Hailey Livingston, Columnist September 16, 2021

It is time to stop with the Instagram infographics. Everyone has seen them; the super-cute designs, maybe a frosted cake, with a gut-wrenching line about people dying, mass incarceration, abortion—any...

Performative activism: Where is the line?

Angel Baikakedi, Columnist September 16, 2021

In 2016, The Wire posted an article titled "College to Choose New Mascot," highlighting the college’s vision to change the Missionary mascot and the process it took to get there, which was quite relevant....

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