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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 2
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Nepotism Stunts Latin American Political Development

Jose Guerrero Coronado, Columnist May 5, 2016
In Latin America, politics does not attract talented citizens. Most of them prefer to pursue other social projects, or simply migrate to other countries like the USA.

International Sport Competitions Hinder Latin American Development

Jose Coronado, Columnist April 21, 2016
In my point of view Brazil made the mistake many latin americans, individuals, and nations, do – they tried to hard to put a good moment on exposition.

Frustation Takes Down Socialism in Latin America

Jose Coronado, Columnist April 7, 2016
One common thread tying these Latin American countries’ politics together is frustration: all three socialist governments promised to be different from the previous right-wing governments. They promised to alleviate the socioeconomic plight of the poor, but have in fact exacerbated the issue.

Central American Immigration Crisis

Jose Guerrero Coronado, Columnist February 11, 2016
The question at hand is not how many refugees the United States, Mexico or Canada can take – it’s why are these people leaving their homelands?
Helping Indigenous People

Helping Indigenous People

Jose Guerrero Coronado November 4, 2015

Upon the commencement of European colonization in the Americas, Native American populations immediately began to wane. With the reduction of their numbers, came a loss of their traditions, lifestyles,...

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