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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

George Bridges: Reflections on a Decade at Whitman

May 18, 2015

Serving as Whitman's president for the past 10 years has been an immense privilege. I've worked with extraordinarily talented people, celebrated impressive accomplishments of many groups and individuals,...

Whitman Debate Team suspended for minimum 2 years

Aleida Fernandez April 9, 2015
Following the recent cancellation of the Policy Debate Team season, President George Bridges wrote in an email today that the college would be suspending all Debate Team activities for a minimum of two years. The decision came after multiple years of Title IX complaints and other problematic behaviors by team members and coaches during travel to competitions.

George Bridges named next president of Evergreen

Emily Lin-Jones March 16, 2015

The Evergreen State College's Board of Trustees announced today that George Bridges will assume the presidency of the college, starting Oct. 1 of this year. Bridges announced last spring that he would...

Sami Carrillo ('17), photo by Annabelle Marcovici.

Singled Out: Is profiling a problem on campus?

Lachlan Johnson March 12, 2015
Last fall, a student alleged that a Whitman security officer racially profiled him in a tense encounter on campus. Now, administrators and concerned community members are divided on how to identify and deal with profiling on campus.

On Diversity, Inclusion and Equity at Whitman

February 19, 2015
President George Bridges writes to the editors in light of the recent Pasco shootings about violence, racism, and the second annual Power and Privilege Symposium

State Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu comes to campus as MLK speaker

Andy Monserud January 29, 2015

State Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu visited campus for a speech and a conversation with President George Bridges and the student body on Tuesday, Jan. 29. As this year's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day speaker, Justice...

Bridges: On Race, Ferguson, and the Use of Deadly Force

December 11, 2014

As Whitman's president, I am immensely proud of those students, faculty and staff who stood in solidarity last week on the steps of the Penrose Library in memory of Michael Brown, killed by a police officer...

Letter to the Editor: Hillel-Shalom clarifies misunderstanding around Convocation speech controversy

The Editors November 13, 2014

Dear Whitman Community, We are writing because we believe there has been a misunderstanding with regard to the faculty address at convocation this year. Our concern about Professor Elyse Semerdjian's...

Economic diversity conversation continues

Emily Lin-Jones September 18, 2014
Discussion about socioeconomic diversity and college affordability is still simmering in the Whitman community after a New York Times' article published last Monday ranked Whitman last in economic diversity on a list of top U.S. colleges. President George Bridges and the Board of Trustees have released separate statements to students, faculty and alumni addressing the situation, while student groups are mobilizing to protest Whitman's lack of diversity over alumni weekend.

Whitman College Ranks Last in Economic Diversity

Emily Lin-Jones September 11, 2014
Whitman College was placed at the bottom of a statistical survey published on the New York Times website Monday which ranked colleges according to their financial accessibility for lower- and middle-income students.
Photo by Emily Volpert

College Walks Thin Line Balancing Tuition, Salaries

Lachlan Johnson September 11, 2014
Whitman College has raised tuition dramatically over the past decade to maintain competitive salaries and academic programs, even as the average family’s income decreased.

Letter from the Editors

Aleida Fernandez September 11, 2014
Even while some things change, a lot of things will — and should — stay the same. As the two of us settle into our new roles, we look forward to seeing what the school year brings.
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