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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Illustration by Paloma Link

Walla Walla’s First Congregational Church Welcomes New Pastor, Ann-Marie Illsley

Aya Mahmoudi, News Reporter October 26, 2023

Walla Walla’s First Congregational Church, the first division of the United Church of Christ, had a change in leadership on Sunday, Oct. 22.  The previous pastor, who has now taken a call (religious...

Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre Emily K. Harrison and Walla Walla High School drama teacher Kristin Hessler read “Our Town.”

Contextualizing “Our Town”

Kaitlin Cho, A&E Reporter November 7, 2019

On Friday, Nov. 1, a mix of Whitman faculty, First Congregational Church members and Whitman and Walla Walla High School students stood before rows of pews at the First Congregational Church and performed...

Photo by Mitchell Smith.

“Jornaleros” shown in Walla Walla

Kate Grumbles, Staff Reporter February 2, 2017

Voz Worker’s Rights Organization came to Walla Walla last Saturday to show their documentary “Jornaleros,” which showcased the lives of day laborers in Portland. This event was hosted and organized...

Homelessness Activists Address Cold Weather

Homelessness Activists Address Cold Weather

Andy Monserud February 20, 2014
During freezing temperatures earlier this winter, volunteers and community leaders converted the First Congregational Church into an emergency warming center for the city’s homeless. The center provided warm cots to those homeless who could not or preferred not to sleep in Walla Walla's existing shelters.
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