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Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Vol. CLVI, Issue 1
Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Whitman news since 1896

Whitman Wire

Dynamic Pricing: How prices can change in a flash

Dynamic Pricing: How prices can change in a flash

Danny Pottharst, Feature Writer November 14, 2024

It’s no secret that frustrations with the United States economy are widespread among many Americans. Complaints about inflation, the cost of living and the wealth gap have run rampant to the point that...

Liz Truss becomes shortest-serving prime minister in England’s history

Nazaaha Penick, News Reporter November 3, 2022

The short-term appointment of the United Kingdom’s ex-prime minister Liz Truss has created controversy in Britain's political atmosphere. Mary Elizabeth Truss announced her resignation on Oct. 20 after...

Latin Americans Face Economic Crisis

Jose Guerrero Coronado, Columnist October 7, 2015

The good economic fortunes of the United States have been rough on Latin American economies. Steady job growth and good performance in the retail, automotive, and housing industries have lured investors...

The Paradox of Private Bookstores

The Paradox of Private Bookstores

Claire Ommen, Features writer September 24, 2015

With the beginning of the new academic year, all students feel the financial pressure of buying textbooks. With a steady increase in the price of textbooks in the last ten years, many students have sought...

Comedian Russell Brand Raises Important Issues

Comedian Russell Brand Raises Important Issues

Bill Landefeld October 31, 2013
Do you ever think about what you would say if a BBC news anchor interviewed you? Would you take the opportunity to talk about why you never vote, the growing income gap around the world, your former drug addiction and how lovely your interviewer's beard looks? Or would you simply answer the questions you were asked with full cooperation. I think I would choose the latter option. Then again, I am not Russell Brand.
Limited Scope of Political Discourse Obscures Injustice

Limited Scope of Political Discourse Obscures Injustice

Julia Stone October 31, 2012
With the presidential election only a few weeks away, the country’s political discourse is as loud as ever. But, the scope of public political discourse has become so narrow that broader issues of social, economic and ethical importance are erased from the public conscience.

‘Communist China’ does not follow strict notion of communism; has capitalist values

philipcheng December 8, 2011
When people think of China, one of the things that pops into one's head is communism. In America, there is uneasiness when we hear the word communism. Though the feeling is not as pronounced as in the Cold War Era, it still exists in trace amounts.

La Más Importante

kathynguyen August 31, 2011

It wouldn't be the last time that my mom would "save" me in anything. Although I am just a host daughter, I am still part of the family, and therefore it is very important that she helps me in most everything...

Banks consider fees targeting responsible consumers

Bryant Fong November 11, 2009

Think you are safe with good credit? Think again. The banks are at it again. First National Bank, which sets up credit cards with many local banks, and Bank of America are experimenting with a new fee...

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