For those who may not know, there is a magical thing called the enneagram, and it categorizes all personalities into 9 types. Fill this out and you’ll discover your enneagram type!
1. I don’t have phone call anxiety when ordering from Chiangmai Thai:
A. Never B. Not regularly C. Depends D. Frequently E. Always
I prefer to see the birds in Pioneer Park alone:
A. Never B. Not regularly C. Depends D. Frequently E. Always
I would never take someone to the abandoned windmill field unless we had at least a year of established trust:
A. Never B. Not regularly C. Depends D. Frequently E. Always
I can decide what I want at Patiss within a minute of getting there:
A. Never B. Not regularly C. Depends D. Frequently E. Always
I enjoy talking to strangers about the nuanced tannins and forward flavors of wine:
A. Never B. Not regularly C. Depends D. Frequently E. Always
I appreciate and enjoy the whimsy of the Main Street poetry guy:
A. Never B. Not regularly C. Depends D. Frequently E. Always
I explore outside of the Whitman College campus:
A. Never B. Not regularly C. Depends D. Frequently E. Always
I use the self checkout line even if a cashier is open at Safeway:
A. Never B. Not regularly C. Depends D. Frequently E. Always
Great job finishing the quiz!
If you answered mostly A. ‘s: Sorry you don’t have an enneagram type because you have no distinct personality traits except for being contrary! If you answered mostly C’s then you are possibly a 9 because you tried to see every angle of the question and came out completely indecisive. If you didn’t take this quiz because you had some existential moping or theoretical thinking to do, you’re either a 4 or a 5. If you were bothered by the layout of questions on this quiz and thought you could do better, you might be a 1! If you don’t feel represented by any of those scenarios whatsoever, to get your results either take the real enneagram, or come and find me and I will do a live, in person judging, my treat.